Friday, July 10, 2020

AP Language-Rhetoric Assessments - Reviewing Student Samples

AP Language-Rhetoric Assessments - Reviewing Student SamplesStudent samples of the AP Language-Rhetoric Assessment are invaluable for the student preparing for the examination. Whether you have studied AP Language-Rhetoric for years, or only recently, there is a lot to remember and to keep in mind. Here are some hints for studying for the exam.Writing on a theme - For example, a historical research paper may have been designed with a history theme in mind. So you will want to think about what questions you will be asked, and whether the research paper will come across as historically important. Themes are incredibly important to get right. When you are done with the paper, pick a specific topic, or choose an area in which you can improve your skills.Student sample - If you are reading a text you know nothing about, go back to the sample that you used when you were studying for the AP English exam. Read through the passages again, and try to follow how it flows. You may find that you have forgotten something, or perhaps a character suddenly moves from one paragraph to another. This is exactly what you will be tested on, so spend time reading the passage again, and thinking about how it fits into the overall essay. Do not forget to review the passages from the previous AP Language-Rhetoric Assessment.Multiple choice essay sections - Often this is just one of several AP essays, such as an essay on the common theme of the Common Core or on child literacy. Regardless of your subject, it will be worth your while to take a look at all of the essays you are faced with. By doing so, you will be able to make sure that you have tackled every section of the AP English essay, and that you will not have any gaps in your knowledge.Data entry tasks - This is one of the most intimidating tasks of the AP Exam. You will need to work out your data entry skills. You will need to check for typos and other errors, and make sure that you check your spelling. So it pays to practice you r data entry skills. Practice these tasks: reading aloud the data entered, reading the entries you have just made, writing down the data you have just entered.Doing the Approximate Response - In the AP Rhetoric assessment, you will be required to indicate one or more responses that are intended to answer a question. The goal is to write at least two responses (one per question), and then use a key to indicate which one you would like to indicate. So if you want to indicate, 'All students are equally eligible', you would enter 'all' as the key.Taking the AP Rhetoric Assessment should not be a stressful experience, because you will have plenty of practice at home. You will find that preparing for the AP English Exam will be a huge help, and you will learn some great tips for studying for the AP Language-Rhetoric Assessment. But it is worth it to prepare in advance, and to use a student sample of the AP Language-Rhetoric Assessment as a guide.

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